Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tick Tock

My clock is LOUD. It's one of those I got for $3 at Target. And it ticks and tocks...I hear it even over my TV. And it's comforting. But one thing (this is what happens when you pay attention too much) that I notice more now is the silence between ticks. Probably has something to do with my line of thinking during my Soundscape reaction paper, and how sound only exists with the passage of time...

In other very random news, I notice these new songs I've been writing use the GMaj to BMaj7 chords a lot.

I've been on a Mad Men bent. The beginning of the 4th episode of the 1st season is a bunch of people sitting around in the character Pete Campbell's office listening to a vinyl record of some comedy show. And there's a shot of the record spinning, with reaction shots to the men laughing. Makes us forget, sometimes, that the proliferation of TV and the moving image in American homes really didn't happen until the 1950's at the earliest, but radio dominated the way people got information for decades before that. Information was gotten through audio.

My friends and I tried to catch an open house for a condo in Beverly Hills. It was this beautiful street with trees overhanging and lots of green. Don't see that a lot in LA. In any case, it was nice and sunny, glinting off the streets, when all of a sudden, we hear pit-pattering. It was still sunny, but it was raining, with the rain hitting the leaves of the trees. Very serene.

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