Sunday, January 23, 2011

Classic Album Sundays

It's fantastic what one hears on NPR at 12:30am. After an enjoying evening at USC's Visions and Voices ( event - The DNA Trail reading ( by Silk Road Productions with Dawen (, I drop Dawen off, and hear about Classical Album Sundays on the radio.

Classical Album Sundays is this event at a space in...London (?) where people come in and listen to albums in silence ( They cannot text, multitask, even go to the bathroom. They must sit in complete silence and do nothing but listen. How many of us multitask while listen to music nowadays? How many of us will spend the time listening to a full album of songs, in our day of iPods, iPhones, Pandora, and multitasking, and do nothing but listen?

Definitely food for thought about how "listening to music has become a passive activity" in our day and age, as Talia in the Londonist (link given above) says. And what it means to really actively listen to music, to understand it, to experience it on a deeper level than just something that fills the silence as we go about doing other stuff.

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