Thursday, April 24, 2008

Gay and Straight

I didn't write this, but someone did in response to Obama's losing speech in Pennsylvania (from Andrew Sullivan's The Daily Dish):

This morning I saw an excerpt from Obama's concession speech in Indiana where he said the following:

"Or this time, we can build on the movement we've started in this campaign – a movement that's united Democrats, Independents, and Republicans; a movement of young and old, rich and poor; white, black, Hispanic, Asian, and Native American, gay and straight."

I have two comments about this:

First, I cannot recall a politician ever speaking after a loss, proclaiming that he wants to bring together gays and straights. That is amazing. Can you imagine Hillary ever saying anything like that to a national audience, especially after a defeat?

Second, the "gay and straight" portion is not included in the text of the speech on Obama's website. This means either 1) the campaign removed those words from the edited transcript or 2) (more likely) Obama's inclusion of "gay and straight" was impromptu. It wasn't included by the speech writers, but he included it at the spur of the moment. If this is true, how amazing it is that there is a politician who is willing to stand up for us gay Americans who have been ignored for so long. I hope Obama knows how much those three small words that he included in his speech mean to us.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Newborn babies in LA?

This job is being cast quickly.
Please respond immediately!

Moms: 25-35 yrs old
Babies: Soon to be born or Newborn
(Must be at least 15 days old by May 5th, 2008)

We’re looking for 1st, 2nd or 3rd
generation moms & babies from:
Africa (African American),
Central America,
South America,
India, Asia &
Middle Eastern Countries

If this sounds like you or someone you know please contact our office
ASAP!!! Or call us at
323.692.1800 ext. 102 or 103

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Abortion as art is not.

I really didn't mean to post two abortion-related posts one right after the other, but this one popped up as an interesting news item recently.

A senior at Yale is inseminating herself, then aborting the fetus with abortion drugs multiple times over the course of 9 months.

She says she "hopes it inspires some sort of discourse", and also says that she's not using the concept for "shock value". She claims that she has some "message".

Really. What's the message? Hey, let's make ourselves really sick and show complete disregard for the women who go through the emotional turmoil of choosing to abort a fetus! This'll be fun! (I would even go as far to say a "disregard for life", but want to be clear that I do not equate abortion with murder)

It's no wonder people on both sides of the abortion fence are disgusted by this.

On the pro-lifer's side, this woman is committing mass murder over and over.

And pro-choice folks are not pro-abortion. As a matter of fact, most of my friends are pro-choice, but given the choice to abort or not, most would choose to not abort. This woman exemplifies what pro-choice is NOT about.

Both sides of the fence value life. Deliberately aborting a fetus for "art's sake" completely trivializes the immensely difficult and life-changing choice that some women are forced to make. It's appalling. It's like making a snuff film - films where people are killed or murdered on film (not because I think abortion in and of itself is like murder, but that the choice in making it needs to be given some weight). That's not art. That's disrespect for the issue, and should be condemned.

And seriously...what is the message?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I saw this bumper sticker driving home yesterday:

"I think, therefore, I'm Pro-Life."

I don't mean to offend all the pro-lifers out there (just the ones who agree word for word with this statement), but look at it in literal terms. Being pro-life means you have a principle telling you what to do. You're not thinking, you're just doing. Talk about ironic.

I'm not making a political statement, I'm just analyzing the phrase as an objective third party.

That being said, I like thinking (actual thinking). And choosing. But hopefully will never be at a point where I am forced to.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Disappearance of a Mint

I'm still alive. Just not on this blog (or online much).

Just got back from Europe.