Monday, October 05, 2009

New Song! "Evanston Rain"

Yes, I know I'm on hiatus, but I have a couple new songs that I wrote/am writing/got finished in the last two months or so. So I think I can still call myself a musician. Somewhat.

The main one I'm ready to talk about and reveal to the world is "Evanston Rain". It's a companion piece to "Boston Rain", and goes right into it. The recording on my Facebook site is really raw (I recorded it after a very long day, and kind of spur-of-the-moment type thing) and includes both parts (Evanston and Boston). I played it as such twice this summer, although sometimes I feel like the quality of "Boston" now sucks because there's no break between the two songs, and both together is about 9 minutes of non-stop playing, and "Boston" is the second half.

Please check it out.

I also got a keyboard last month and have been writing new material and playing covers on it (as well as figuring out new things to do with "Atheist's Prayer"). There is another (finally) piano song that I wrote, but is definitely not ready to be recorded or shared yet. More on this when it is.

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