Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Our 5-day vegetarian stint

In the last year, Jenny and I have both gained weight. We would like to rectify this (not necessarily the weight thing - but definitely want to be healthier---and save money). And we keep making these pacts to eat less meat and more veggies, and cook at home more. This lasted about a week and a half last time... and now, we're eating our way through Tennessee and North Carolina.

We are currently in North Carolina, visiting Cris, who (as I'm sure most of you who read this blog know) has been a vegetarian for 2 decades, and after a conversation with her and Jenny's friend Cindy, we made a pact (a pinky swear), that between the time we get back (Dec 6th) till I leave for Hong Kong (11th), we will not eat meat. Only 5 days, because this is a close-ended and goal-oriented. Hopefully easier to accomplish rather than saying "we're going to stop eating so much meat NOW until FOREVER."

I (with Jenny's blessing) am keeping this blog to keep us accountable. I will try to blog every day as to our successes, failures, and cravings. Yes, we actually need this. Clearly, no self-control.

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