Sunday, March 13, 2011

guitar shopping

I feel like I've been so bad at blogging recently - mostly because I went to this conference in Ottawa and talked about temporal capital and how an episode of Lost takes up 43 minutes of my time, and how we are completely limited in how much time we have in a day. So that's my excuse. I haven't had time to sit down and blog.

I went to Guitar Center with a friend today to get her a guitar. And amid the multitudes of brands, models, styles, shapes, sizes of guitars, trying to pick the perfect one took, well, nearly 3 hours. And the end of the day, you question whether or not the sound of one is really better than the other (the one she eventually picked out is, in my opinion, a fantastic guitar - a Martin D-15 - all-solid all-mahagony dreadnought guitar - total beaut). And the challenging thing is that in Guitar Center itself is a cacophony of sound as other people also try out various guitars. I frequent Guitar Center, and rarely is it that crowded where you can't hear your own playing. And then there are people who are really amazing players jamming away on random guitars, and all you want to do is listen to them for a while, but then you don't want to seem too intrusive.

Anyway. Yay for guitar shopping. I was very VERY tempted to get a ukulele, but I resisted.

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