Tuesday, March 09, 2010

High-altitude oxygen deprivation

Not something you experience every day unless you live in Boulder or Denver.

I'm in Boulder for a couple days, and if it weren't for the fact that someone had mentioned the high altitude-ness of Boulder, I probably wouldn't have noticed as much as I'm noticing now that
a) I am out of breath after walking a block
b) there is serious lactic acid build up in my muscles
c) my poor broken lung is protesting the low pressure
d) I'm getting lightheaded just sitting here
e) I feel cold - probably has something to do with O2 not getting anywhere, and
f) generally feels like I just ran a mile (when really, all I did was walk up a flight of stairs)

And I think the more I think about it, the worse it gets! Probably should just go to sleep and not think about it. Supposedly the O2 deprivation makes it harder to get up in the mornings too. Fantastic.

This, of course, is in no way impacted by the measly two hours of sleep I got last night, and a full day of activities here on campus, which included a discussion of political economy vs. cultural studies.

Otherwise, Boulder and CU and people are lovely. And the food is amazing too.

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