Sunday, September 13, 2009


Since being in Business of Media class, I've been connecting a lot of my social media accounts together, downloading this thing called Tweetfeed (which basically feeds me all updates from people I'm following on Twitter and the newsfeed from Facebook, and myspace, if I so desire). I'm not sure I'm going to stick with it seems a bit much to be checking another application when I already check the Facebook website.

Then, the purpose for this post is to test twitterfeed, something that will tweet my blogs onto Twitter. If that's the case, I might seriously consider divorcing Twitter and Facebook, lest all my friends "hide" me for having too many posts. Plus, I have my blogs automatically feeding into my Facebook notes as well. Is that overkill?

And when you get down to it, who actually reads my blogs, my status updates, my thoughts? The more there is out there, the less significant each piece of communication becomes, till it simply becomes a muddled cacophony where everything is indistinct and unimportant.

JDP, this is truly speaking into the air.

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