Wednesday, March 04, 2009

MTA is my hero

Ok, I know that the MTA could suck a lot of the time, but something just happened that makes me really love the MTA right now.

About a month ago, my 30-day unlimited ride cards kept getting deactivated (demagnetized), and I went through two of them before I realized what was doing the demagnetizing (I had just gotten a new bag with a magnetic clasp on it - a very strong magnetic clasp).

Per the advice of the MTA people, I mailed both my cards to their office in hopes of a refund or some sort of compensation, and proceeded to not hear from them for almost a month. Part of me was starting to think mailing in the cards via snail mail was a bad idea and that I should have just reported them lost.

Today, though, I checked my mail, and there were two letters from the MTA, both about my funked up cards. One letter, which corresponded to the older card, compensated me for 18 days, giving me a 14-day unlimited ride card plus a check for the remaining 4 days. The other letter for a card I used once, and got demagnetized on the same day, included an entire 30-day unlimited ride card.

My faith in the public transportation system of NYC is renewed. :)

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