Sunday, February 24, 2008

Expired Coffee

A testimony to how occasionally my family drinks coffee is the fact that most of the coffee grinds and beans in our house are apparently expired.

D and I had just gotten back from a lunch with my folks, where we were fed into a stupor, and collapsed on the couch when we got home. And because D had a proposal to submit, my mom suggested we have some coffee.

She brought out a good 3 or 4 different kinds of coffee that we had laying around the house - and one sounded delicious - Chocolate Macademia Nut Coffee. There was an elusive number that said "63 101404". My interpretation, knowing nothing about the shelf life of coffee, was that it expired October 14th, 2004, or is good till April 14th, 2010. We erred on the side of caution and threw it away. My mom then went to Whole Foods and got us some new coffee. Some sort of House Blend. Those male strippers from the Five Sisters shoot would be so disappointed...

I'll post the male stripper story later.

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