Saturday, February 26, 2011

Quick thoughts on EMP

My body is protesting right now. It's been awake for way too long on way too little sleep and has spent 9 hours today cramped up sitting in chairs at UCLA for the EMP Conference. But the conference itself was awesome.
I think one of the things that inspired me was the first panel, moderated by Aram Sinnreich, that I went to, which was about being musicians outside a major record label. It made me want to pursue music more, which is probably not the best idea in grad school, but well, Ahmed Best said it the best - that he's a musician - it's not something he does. Everything else he does (like the business end of it) is independent of the fact that he's a musician. As idealistic as that may sound, it was interesting to hear that he considers it a part of his identity. I went with no music for 2 years in college (when I quit playing piano because I was double majoring in film and biology, and before I taught myself guitar), and was miserable. I've been playing music nonstop since then, even if it's not all intense all the time. It calms me.

Raymond Roker's branding panel was also really interesting, and very different. What Redbull is doing with their music academy is very cool stuff though. And interesting points about how the person in charge of brand parties could just be choosing venues where he or she likes to party!

Then there was a painful panel where people read from their papers. And I'm not sure one of the panelists talked about noise in a very informed way...

The last panel on copyright was great. But I was losing steam fast. And getting hungry. Overall, very productive day.

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