Friday, November 23, 2012

What we can't see

So, it seems like Facebook is engineering the whole "x number of friends talking about so and so topic" on the newsfeed. Clearly, no one was talking about Christmas yesterday. And clearly, no one's talking about Thanksgiving today. #whatwecantsee #blackboxalgorithm

(oh yea, the hashtags were because this was originally conceived of as a tweet, but is clearly too long to be one)

Also, has anyone else noticed that the first thing on your mobile FB app newsfeed is almost always your friend "liking" some corporation or company? Like "So and So likes Samsung Mobile" or "So and So likes Target," followed by a HUGE screen-sized ad for said company?

Consumer capitalism at its finest. Right to hear? How about power to be seen?

And yes, I sort of feel like these are very "duh" things to say...